Monday, March 7, 2011

Taking On the New Mantle

This past Saturday,I went to a Men's Prayer Breakfast and heard Bro. Vince Massa preach a message on the mantle of God from 1 Kings 19:

(1 Kings 19:19) "So he departed thence, and found Elisha the son of Shaphat, who was plowing with twelve yoke of oxen before him, and he with the twelfth: and Elijah passed by him, and cast his mantle upon him."

Elijah cast his mantle on Elisha as a sign of transferring the mantle of prophetic ministry from Elijah to Elisha. God calls men to preach and gives them a ministry to fulfill. There are times that the mantle of ministry changes. A man might go to or from a pastoral ministry to that of an evangelist or vice-versa.

It was a particularly special message to me because the next day, Sunday, I became the Senior Pastor of Fellowship Baptist Church. I took up a new mantle of ministry which God had prepared for me, prepared the people and myself for.

I look forward to exercising the ministry associated with this new mantle. As you may be seeking God's will for ministry, know that God has that mantle of ministry prepared for you in His time.

Remember: "Where God guides, He provides."


  1. Hope your first service went well

    Diane Kirland

  2. Hi Pastor Green,

    I found your blog by Googling "transferring the mantle" as we have been doing a series on this at church here in Scotland recently. Our messages on this subject can be viewed at They are very informative and enlightening messages from our Senior Pastor Gary Carter and one of our teachers Mark Esson. Just thought I'd let you know as perhaps you would enjoy watching them.

    Every blessing to you and yours.

    Jason MacLean
